Wednesday, October 24, 2007

learn and declare

i was procrastinating at work today...taking a little lunch break before lunch time, and had a moment where i was struck (again) with how much i want to write. i like writing, i have a little - i keep it in a jar on the fridge...

but i don't do it.

for stupid reasons too -- others are better at it than i am (how sad would this be if it weren't true!?!), i don't have time to share, no one is going to read it anyways, etc. no one ever reads my blogs on myspace, since i imagine they all tire quickly of my political rants. so what's the point?

i learn. i practice. i grow.

in the last week or so, i've met a some interesting characters. one was a "self-proclaimed internet celebrity blogger". what a ridiculously brilliant job description. obviously, you sound immediately legit to anyone who is caught off guard by the word 'celebrity.' all those people missed the first part, however, which is 'self-proclaimed.' damn! if you can proclaim your own value on the internet these days, then sign me up!

i would like to announce that as of right now, i am a self-proclaimed internet celebrity blogger.

thus, i have started my blogging career off to a fantastic start. everyone else works to achieve celebrity blogging status...i just announce it and move on.

peace out.

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