Tuesday, November 27, 2007


everything has helped someone.

i mean, not everything all at once...but everything has been good for someone at some point. isn't that a beautiful idea? there are a lot of things that i have taken time to laugh at (and maybe that's been good for me!), but each of those things, laughable or not, has impacted someone else.

friend and i traveled down to brentwood tonight for a church service full of remarkably affluent, well-meaning people, and preacher was talking about how we are all wired differently. and how we're all special and important.

i say, "geez already, am i pondering spiritual maturity and higher things, or am i accidentally at self-help group?"

brain says, "this is really impacting someone right now. for someone, this IS spiritual maturity and higher things."

i say, "true, brain. well played."

the internet is another excellent example of this amazing truth. i found a notable blog tonight that is dedicated to being thankful for small things, in the model that AA taught them. and i say, "AA may have saved that person's life." i've laughed with friends on a regular basis...hi, i'm so and so and i like chocolate. i like books. i love lamp. but for notable blogger, they've said that, except used their name, and the phrase "i'm an alcoholic." and it changed their life.

lesson of tuesday: i will not belittle other people's stuff/things. their stuff is for them, and makes a notable difference in life/love/pursuit of happiness. for that, i'm thankful.

you know what may be sad though? there's probably a handful of people who will slap my self-proclaimed internet celebrity blogger hand, and say, "liberal doormat! don't you know that some people's stuff isn't healthy for them, and we should invade their stuff for their own good in order to turn them towards our stuff, which is obviously morally superior?"

well...no. i disagree.

i mean, we can talk about levels of severity if you want, but i'm not talking about illegal or dangerous stuff, silly posing-as-conservative-and-righteous-but-really-just-scared-friends. don't get all uppity. i just think it's neat that everyone has the opportunity to affect anyone. love is big. bigger than me. bigger than you. i want to use it, and i don't ever want to think it's not enough. everything can help someone.

additionally, i injured my foot. it hurts a great deal. let's love my foot into health.

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