Monday, December 3, 2007


adjective: 1. Causing sleep; tending to cause sleep.

thus begins my new goal of naming/starting every entry with the word of the day. this way, i will never have to think of a catchy title, and i will enhance my vocablary.

fear: that i will be around mediocrity for so long and so exclusively that i will start to think that mediocrity is actually quality.

fear is being enhanced by: current effect of employment environment on musical preference.

now, in truth, this job has certainly taught me that good vs. bad is really relative. as i mentioned in my last blog, everything is good for somebody. i have heard really awful music that has changed someone's life. but to me, it makes me want to cry. in a very non-spiritual way.

i think something that bothers me on a regular basis is that christians are supposed to be in tune with the creator of the universe - someone who certainly has the job skills to back up that title. but rather than looking to enhance our creativity by seeking to explore him in new ways, or by reflecting on different truths throughout the scope of our entire life situation, and not just our sunday morning, we manage to keep coming back to the same set of words.

every christian song will contain two or more of the following:
>rain/reign (as in, rain your reigning majesty)
>desire (as in, my heart's desire)

and so on and so forth. so really, every christian song has already been written. either, god is good, allelulia amen, or, life is so hard, but god is good, allelulia, amen.

now, objectively, is using the same words over and over demonstrative musical genius? no. is it easy and predictable, so that even the slowest sheep can ride this train? yes. so...good or bad? you decide. lots of different songs speak to people in different ways by using the same words in a different chord progression..,

it still doesn't appeal to me...there's still time for me to be saved. pray for my indie soul.

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