Wednesday, December 26, 2007


transitive verb: 1) to cause to disappear by rubbing out, striking out, etc.; to erase; to render illegible or indiscernible; 2) to destroy, as a mental impression; to wipe out; to eliminate completely; 3) to make (oneself) inconspicuous.

the word efface was actually the word of the day from december 27, 2006, but for some reason, i couldn't get the current year's word to refresh, and you can't have two "hermitage" entries. unless you're not OCD.

not much energy today...last day in colorado, unless it snows a lot and i don't have to get on a plane for chicago tomorrow. and by 'have to' i mean 'get to.' i'm praying for snow.

i did buy a party dress today, though, that will look much better in chicago then it will in my parent's living room, so maybe i'll pray for snow but only for a couple of days...then cleared out by the 30th. yes, good plan.

fear: that blogging will lead to the slow and painful death of my journal, which i really do love. my journal feels more like ME, like something that someone could pick up, and by the time they're through it, know me as a person, rather than just me as a self-proclaimed internet celebrity blogger. it has my handwriting, my doodles, my coffee stains, my artwork...those things are something kids and grandkids can enjoy and reflect on. "kids, let me show you about my life...climb on granny's lap and let's visit!" just doesn't have the same ring to it. it doesn't feel as homey.

i enjoy the blogging though, for a couple reasons...first, i'm a faster typer than i am a writer, meaning i feel like my blogs are much more stream of consciousness, and i don't get a hand cramp. second, i like the idea that i'm writing things for people to read and think about and critique. i know for a fact that no one is reading this blog, but still. it's the principle. i wonder why i haven't told anyone about my blog...maybe it's because i like the idea of anonymity. that i can say what i really think (FUCK BUSH!), and i don't get all antsy that people i know may judge me because it doesn't match up with my front. does that make sense?

i'm ridiculously tired, and there is a very alluring kurt vonnegut novel laying next to me that is calling my name. so here are three quick things for today:

1. got to relax and sleep in. how nice to wake up and know you have no where to be.
2. little sexy black party dress, and new shoes. does anything make a girl feel better?
3. curled up on the couch with family, trying to explain the complexities of LOST season 3 to them while they smile blankly, finally confessing that they don't know what the hell i'm talking about. still, i tried to emphasize the significance of juliette marking the tents of the pregnant women for ben to steal, even though she's in love with jack and faithful to the losties!

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