Wednesday, December 26, 2007


noun: 1) the habitation of a hermit or group of hermits; 2) a monastary or abbey; 3) a secluded residence, a hideaway, a retreat.

merry christmas. i'm asking you to please ignore the fact that it's technically the day after christmas. because i have not yet gone to bed, i'm still feeling festive. don't deprive me of this joy.

what a delicious day. and for some reason, i felt inspired to make 2008 a good year for me. i mean, i suppose in the long run there's not really a whole lot i can do to control the major events of '08, but i felt ready to make some changes. but maybe i'm falling into that old person category...these are the big, life-changing, outlook-shifting attitudes/regiments that will be implemented as of january 1...and i'm done by january 2. i hope not...but one never knows. it will be my resolution to keep my resolutions!

one thing i DO want to do, regardless of how fat i get, is make a point of writing more. in order to maintain my status as an internet celebrity blogger, i imagine it's helpful to do certain things like...blogging? i was talking with a friend tonight over dinner and declared that i want my ultimate career to involve reading things and writing things. is that even a real job? it sounds too good to be true. but she said it exists. and to write. being disciplined is hard for me, especially if i feel under qualified for something. which i do. right now. i'm a better brain dumper than writer. surely there's a place for that in the literary world? oh fortuna, don't break my heart.

i also have a few arty farty resolutions drifting aimlessly around in my head. we'll see if those pan out.

here are my three things for today:

1. snow falling as we open presents around the tree. people can say whatever they want about what christmas really is, but i'll tell you right now: whatever it is, it's better with snow.
2. delicious breakfast full of food that i cooked. i know, i cooked. sharing it with family.
3. multiple glasses of milk punch while laughing hysterically with the people i love the most.
4. *bonus!* thank you jesus, for being born and loving me, even when i don't get it and decide that being a rogue is cooler than being devoted to you. because i get confused and think that being devoted to you means being devoted to the church people i don't like seeing.

on to 2008!

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