Saturday, December 8, 2007


noun: 1. A beggar; especially someone who makes a business out of begging.

today was so damn depressing. it's hard when you feel like there are things that should be your responsibility, but you can't figure out a way to get a hold of them. when you can't change the way you feel, but you know it's completely ungrounded. that's how today was. in attempt to shirk owning up to my shitty attitude, i will blame the following:
a) sinus pressure emanating from the depths of Sheol
b) difficult shift on crisis line
c) rain

no, nix that last one. i can only blame that for the fact that i stayed in bed all day.

to balance out the three scapegoats of my day, i will now attempt to recall three positive things that happened today. let's round things out here...

1. woke up with my favorite person's arm draped over my side. after shifting slightly in my waking-up-fog, he pulled his arm, and along with it, me, closer to him. then i fell back asleep.
2. learned about a dairy farmer in new hampshire that makes biodegradable flower pots out of cow poo, thus eliminating the waste that comes out of his farm, and providing nutrients and loveliness for plants everywhere. how innovative.
3. chai egg nog latte. enough said.

ahh good, now i feel better. time to drug up and hit the hay.

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